Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 4 of my life - I'm still popular

I think, therefore I am cute....and that people will come to see me.
I love that so many people are coming to see me...I guess it helps that so many people live pretty close. I know that even more people want to come, so I hope I will see them soon too....but it's ok that not everyone is here....I'm still a little tired, and so are mommy and daddy.

Vroom vroom....can't wait to go camping and boating with my Auntie Liz and Uncle Will. And hey, where is my playbuddy/cuz Olivia? I know...I'll see her soon too...and I can't wait to get into trouble with her.
So what is this about high expectations???
Gan, we match! I've got my John Deere Greene clothes must have known.
Auntie Lauren! You look like a pro! You can babysit me anytime.
Women, they love me....they flock to me...they swarm around me...mommy and daddy are in trouble later.

Grandaddy, want to nap with me. Thanks for taking the first of many grandparent shifts to help mommy and daddy get some rest.

Susu, thanks for keeping me entertained while mommy gets some sleep...I'll be keeping her up later tonight.

Hooray for sleep! And what's this talk about elves and gnomes? I'm just a boy, with a need for napping.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 3 of my life - I'm headed home

Daddy, can we go home yet?

We can go home?! Yes! Yeah...I'm so really!

Ok look, my aunties Jenn and Laura are here to suprise me...along with a bunch of other special people too. You are all so sweet! Auntie Jenn, you have such a cuddly hold too.

Auntie you think my feet are big?

Uncie Bert, you should take a pull on this's awesome stuff!

Pa! You made it...yeah! So how do I become a model again???

Aunt April, you're so pretty....and I can't wait to meet my little cousin! I may nap on top of them too.

Uncle Dave....I thought David was the little one in that story...but you're so big! ...or am I so little???

Wow! What a great first day at home. But boy...I'm tuckered out. Time to nap in my crib for the first time...thank you cousin Livy for sharing...your grandaddy has some serious skills.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 2 in the life of Camden Charles Greene

Hi Daddy! zzzzzzzzzzzz....sorry dad, but hospitals are boring with no wifi to get to my blog. Don't mind if I take a nap do you?
Grandaddy, you snuck in to see me! Yeah!!
Mommy, boys don't need manicures...what are you doing?
Ok, I'm feeling a little silly
Ok, I guess I do have cute fingers that need TLC...file more sharp scratchy nails
Thanks mommy! I have even cuter fingers now...but I like yours too

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hello World! 2/'s my BIRTHDAY!!

Hello World! Forget the green room, it's time for me to come join the show of the Greene family. So now I'm here, center stage! I hope you'll love me!
Roughly 3:18pm at Alexandria Inova Hospital ...and I'm here!. I'm 7lbs 5oz, 22 inches long....and cold, with medicine in my eyes. My name is Camden Charles Greene.....waaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!
Yeah!! It's my mommy, daddy, and I love them, but boy are we all tired. Still, finally our first family photo.
Hi Grandmom! I love you! Daddy and mommy were glad you were here....crazy hospital rules about only allowing 2 more people in to see me up close and personal.
Hi SuSu...I love you! Mommy and daddy were glad you were here. Sorry grandaddy had to wait outside.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

It's time...but how do I get out of here?

I love my mommy! I know I've gotten big and push on her a lot....sorry mom! She still keeps smiling though. And I love my Daddy! He and mommy have been so busy trying to get things ready for me. They learned infant cpr and first aid, the built me a dresser and made me a room, they even put together all those cool things everyone gave me to welcome me into this wide world! I think I'm almost ready...the snow is gone and it may be about time to come out and play now that I have so many toys and people ready to play with with. I know 2/22 is suppose to be the big day...but how do I get out of here?

Mommy is just a few days from my due date, looking good mommy!

I'll be safe...I trust them anyways, but now mommy and daddy are certifiable! (maybe in a couple ways...haha)

Daddy is building my dresser (mommy built my changing station)

Daddy is putting together my swing...I can't wait to try it out!

Looks like Mommy and Daddy are pretty much ready for me to come out and play...

...and maybe sleep a little too! Soon mommy....soon

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Another awesome shower...people love me

Despite a delay due to snow...mommy and daddy's friends (my uncles/aunts) came out to have fun and celebrate me. I hope people still love me this much when I fuss and cry, but wow did Mommy and Daddy have fun. Auntie Laura and Auntie Jenn did so much to prepare...running around and making food and finding nice flowers. I love them....and everyone who came out to welcome me....this was so cool! And who knew that guys could have so much fun at a baby shower? I guess I'm just destined to be one of the guys! I can't wait to play with everyone too.

Auntie Laura pauses to let Mommy take a picture...Jen Dorn is moving so fast to get ready for the party you can barely see her...and Auntie Jenn is moving so fast to get ready you can't see her at all!

There she is, Auntie Jenn and Auntie Laura smiling through all the hard work...having a ball like Mommy and Daddy.

Mommy looks so pretty carrying me around. I wonder when Auntie Jenn and Auntie Laura will start working on giving me play-buddies? No pressure though, I can play with them too.

Daddy thought the party was awesome! Cool, new clothes must be drying!

When it comes to pictionary, boys rule and girls drool....but so will I for a while.

Thanks everybody!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

If I never see snow, at least I can say I lived through it

There was the blizzard of 2009, and then the blizzards of 2010. Mommy and Daddy were talking...I think heard them saying that if I came I might have to catch a ride to the hospital in a firetruck since ambulances were having a hard time getting around. Daddy even went to the roof...and the roof was covered. I'm glad I was able to not be born in the's warm in here and cold out there....I don't want it any colder. I don't care if this is the most snow DC has ever gotten in a winter....I don't need to be part of the record books.

Daddy looking at the rooftop:

Daddy and Mommy looking outside:

Our balcony where I hope to hang out...but only when it's warmer. Brrrrrrrrr