Wednesday, June 30, 2010

More camping...did I mention we went for a week?

Camping doesn't just end after one day....not on this trip. Nope, the fun...and heat...continue. So Livy caved and decided to share a bath with me. See Livy, it's not gross because we're babies...and it was so much cooler in the tub wasn't it....yeah, see.
Share a share a like. You got to use my tub, and I got to use your toys and blanket. Thanks Livy! But such a generous cousin, rolling out the carpet for your momma, Great Uncle Dick, Susu...and everyone else. Sure glad mommy bought that shade was it hot.
So hot, we made like Brazilians and decided to take some mid-day naps. That country sure has it right about two naps. Thanks for keeping me company mom!
But camping isn't for laying least not all the time. Did I mention I learned how to swim? I'm not saying it was pretty, but I made like frogger and kicked my feet to get from point A to point B. Glad I had some help, but I'm sure I could have made it all the way across the lake.
Ok, so maybe it was a good thing to have a spare set of hands...but one day mind you day...I'll be a great swimmer. Daddy said so....maybe like one million times. And, my daddy is always right. (psst, that plugs for you dad, remember that when I start asking for money to swim laps)
Ahhhhh, a swim...and a boat ride...see we didn't just sit around the whole trip...except to pose now and again.
...Right Aunt Liz?! We pose, and then we're ready to rock and roll! Rolling with my homies...lalalala.
Got my hommies and I'm heading out across the lake. Got Grandad on my left, and dinosaur on my right...and nothing but water all around. Sure glad I got that swimming lesson!
Mommy, we had a blast...and didn't even need to worry about me going overboard or anything. Good idea to pick-up that life jacket, but I'm a camping pro! Just like you!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

camping, tubbing, um.. both

Well I sure did love camping...but oui was it H-O-T! Thank goodness mommy and daddy decided to bring my bathtub along so I could cool off in the shade with some fresh water. Now I know why they have commercials with people sitting in bathtubs outside, cuz it was real nice time....Soooooo relaxing.
Man, for a while I was just chilling out and watching people....soaking it all in while I was...well, soaking. Livy kept cool in the shade too, real cool chic that cousin of mine...she knows how to play in the shade and have a good time. Stay cool cuz!

And then of course, down time isn't the only thing good about relaxing at the campground. Hey daddy, you're silly fun and I had a great time with you, and Mommy, and Aunt Liz and Uncle Will, and Gan and Great Uncle Dick...and of course Susu and Grandaddy. Camping is fun! ...I love hanging without a shirt on!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Silly daddy!

Silly Daddy!! ...floats are for kids! So maybe I forgot to mention my new float for the pool...but that would be because it was too big for me. But just because it was too big for me doesn't mean it was big enough for everyone else....ahem, Dad?!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

First day at my pool!

Wow, what a day! Daddy and Mommy took me for my first day at the pool for a party with friends. We didn't go far, this was the pool at our apartment. Daddy took me down the steps to try and help me get used to the temperature.

I'm not gonna lie, the water was kinda cold. It took a little getting used to...but I still had a lot of fun!

Besides, Mommy and Daddy had friends over and I got to play with my friends too. Here I am with Daddy and Uncie Bob and my buddy Max! Max and I were all about the water, but Max was kinda lucky and got sunscreen...while I got some serious shade through my hat and long swimshirt.
I had some other playpals, but I got to see my brand new buddy Zackary for the very first time. That was extra special...thanks Uncie Scott and Auntie Justine!!! We got a cute one here...but I still say I'm not so bad myself.

See, I'm cute when I'm sleeping too! And oh man, after all that pool time I sure needed a nap.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

My first birthday party...well my buddy's First Birthday party

Hey, happy birthday Max! Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to, can I have some cake now?
Yep, me and Maximus hung out on his b-day. Daddy and Kia had fun too! I've never seen party hats before, but they sure are cooooool.
Hey, and Uncle Ed and Beth were there partying like rockstars! Well, he was letting party all over his shoulder anyway.
And Max was so generous on his birthday...first he let me play with one of his toys...and then he let me take it home. I know he got more cool stuff to play with on his birthday, but sharing like this was pretty cool of him. Happy Birthday Max!!!!!!
Aaaannnnddd....I'm whipped. Partied out...must nap...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Go USA! Go World Cup!

The World Cup 2010 has begun! Go USA! Daddy says he wishes he could take me to see a World Cup game live, but that South Africa is really far away. I've been to South Carolina, but daddy says it's even farther away. I guess we'll just have to watch a bunch of games together on the big tv.
...and of course we'll practice my slides into the corner flag for when I score my first World Cup goal in 2034! Goooooooooaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

My new cousin!!!

Hey Cuz! Welcome to this big world ...little Avianna! Mommy and daddy say they can already tell you're gonna be a heart-breaker. But since we're related, you'll still be nice to me though...right? I hope so....can't wait until we're both big enough to hit the playground together.

Any here are my Aunt April and Uncle Dave. They are gonna be a great mommy and daddy...I can tell since I have some too. Wow, you guys don't even look that tired. Congratulations!
Ha! ...and here I am with Arianna and Aunt April. Daddy is a driving machine...and I'm so glad he got us to Virginia Beach to see my brand new cousin. Yay!!!!

Goin to Hotlanta! Yeah!

For Memorial Day, mommy and daddy took me to Atlanta to see Aunt Karin, Uncle Scott, Cousin Savannah, Jay and Heather, and Tony and Molly. It sure was a long way to go and a lot of sitting in my car-seat, but mommy and daddy made sure I got out along the way to stretch my legs and get some breaks. I put my feet in grass on one stop.
But we kept going the first day so we could see where I'm suppose to go to college. Mommy and daddy say it can get cold and windy here, but it sure was sunny and hot while we were walking around. So what is a drill field anyway???
Mommy and daddy showed me Burress Hall and the VT memorial, that was nice but also kind of emotional. Mommy hugged me real close.
We got to stay in a hotel on the way down to Atlanta after we saw Virginia Tech. I got a bed all to was sooooo big!! I felt like such a big boy in that bed that I picked up a toy for the very first time sitting right where you see me in this picture.
The hotel was cool, but it was so much cooler getting to Atlanta and being welcomed by family. Aunt Karin, Uncle Scott, and Cousin Savannah were so nice...they let us stay with them, helping change diapers, letting me swing on their swing, and Savannah even gave me some really cool toys!! Aunt Karin is so nice!
Cousin Savannah is so cool! She showed me how to play with the toys she gave me, and even helped change a couple diapers. Sorry if my spit-up made you feel icky Savannah, but it sure was fun playing with you!
And thanks Uncle Scott for hanging out with me and sharing your home on such a crazy week for you. You're so cool, and I was blown away when you let me have the remote control!! Daddy doesn't even let me have the remote when we're at home.
Oh, and I got to see Aunt Karin's horse Marley and the barn where all the horsies live. Savannah showed me how you're suppose to ride....she is really good!
Even mommy got to get on and go for a ride. I don't think mommy has ridden for a while, but she looked like a pro to me. Can't wait until I'm bigger and you can show me how to handle a horsie.
Maybe one day I'll hang out in a barn with mommy when I'm a little bigger than I am right now.
Daddy was so happy to introduce me to Uncle Jay, Auntie Heather, and Ava. They live just outside Atlanta and we went by to see them and celebrate Auntie Heather's birthday. We had so much fun!
Happy Birthday Auntie Heather...and congratulations to Ava! Maybe one day mommy will tell me I'm gonna be a big brother like you got told you'll be a big sister! Awesome!
I also got to meet Daddy's buddy Uncle Tony and my new pal Jack. Sorry we didn't get to hang out more Jack, but we'll have to chill again next time. And Auntie Molly was so nice to give me presents...I'm already wearing some of them and she gave me some more! You guys are too much!!
Oh, can't forget that I got to go to a game ranch. Aunt Karin and Savannah know this place well, but it was all new to me, mommy, and daddy. What fun!
I fed chickens, deer, pigs, bunnies...and I even fed a Bear with Daddy!
...and I fed a goat too! He had slobber lips and like carrots!
And mommy almost kissed the slobber lips...but gave him carrots instead.
It was a great trip to Atlanta, but we stopped again on the way back. That's when I got to see Great Gram....daddy's grandmom. She was so nice. She held me, and showed me off to her friends, and she and mommy and daddy talked a whole lot. It was such a nice visit with her....and such a great trip overall. I like me some roadtrips!!!!