Thursday, March 25, 2010

4 weeks!!! That's a month!

Yes! Week 4! I'm a month old! I did it...I guess...does a month really mean anything? If a tree falls in the forest...wait I'm not suppose to wax philosophical for a very long time. Yes! Week 4! I'm a month old! I did it!!!!!!
Whoaaa!!! Dad, this tummy time stuff is hard. Did you really have to start on your belly before you could control these big things on our necks? Ok, I'll keep's fun as long as I can peak at you to stay motivated.
Hmmhh...this blanket reminds me of big bird...hmmm, big bird had wings....if I had wings I wonder if I could fly? Let's test this a little bit. Yeah! I just need wings!!
Sorry, what...was I talking about birds? Yeah, really more interested in fish like daddy. Today I thought I'd go swimming with the fishes. Mommy said I was swimming in my clothes in more ways that one. I'm not sure I get it...but man is this whale cool!!!

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