Sunday, March 28, 2010

Life is a walk in the park...a pretty walk in the park

Mommy and Daddy said that we needed to get outside while the weather was nice. They seemed so excited that I didn't have the heart to tell them I was sleepy. Daddy was nice enough to take pictures for me since I mostly slept through the whole walk. Looks like a pretty day! I hope I get a chance to see this...(what was it? ...Cherry Blossom Festival?) day on my own. Daddy's pictures were cool!
Daddy said this pictures symbolizes the contrast between the Japanese and US and the connection that began to blossom as a result of the Japanese donation of the cherry trees here. I really don't get that...he's pretty silly.
This I get, Mommy looks pretty. The memorial looks pretty big. The memorial steps look more than pretty big if mommy and I were going to go up there. Glad we passed on that, I don't know if I could have slept through all that bumpiness.
Mommy is still pretty...I wish she could have seen how pretty her smile was today. She should have just looked in the water and she could have seen it. (Daddy, what does corny mean??)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

4 weeks!!! That's a month!

Yes! Week 4! I'm a month old! I did it...I guess...does a month really mean anything? If a tree falls in the forest...wait I'm not suppose to wax philosophical for a very long time. Yes! Week 4! I'm a month old! I did it!!!!!!
Whoaaa!!! Dad, this tummy time stuff is hard. Did you really have to start on your belly before you could control these big things on our necks? Ok, I'll keep's fun as long as I can peak at you to stay motivated.
Hmmhh...this blanket reminds me of big bird...hmmm, big bird had wings....if I had wings I wonder if I could fly? Let's test this a little bit. Yeah! I just need wings!!
Sorry, what...was I talking about birds? Yeah, really more interested in fish like daddy. Today I thought I'd go swimming with the fishes. Mommy said I was swimming in my clothes in more ways that one. I'm not sure I get it...but man is this whale cool!!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Week 3 - man o man, I'm a boy

It's week 3, and I just keep on getting bigger. I don't know how much I weigh exactly, but I've been packing it on like a sumo wrestler chugging protein shakes (but I still look better in my diaper than they do). ...and I'm chilling the whole time. Do you like my frog? Mommy and daddy thought I might like to go to the zoo this weekend after seeing me in my animal stuff.
Great Uncle Joe, you would have loved the DC Zoo! There were a bunch of meerkats! I thought they were kinda cool, so daddy took a picture for me of one who posed like I kind of do sometimes.
We say some lions, but this marmoset kind of looked like lion too. We saw all kinds of animals, the zoo was pretty awesome...
...I just wish I hadn't slept through most of it. Oh well, at least I got this cool panda to remember the trip....and mommy and daddy signed us up to be we can go and park for free anytime we want....I think I'll get some more chances to see animals.
Ok, so I didn't sleep the whole time. Mommy and daddy did find some shade where I got to come out and play for a little while. Yay DC Zoo!!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


What a fun time! Grandmom stayed with us for a full week. She watched me get my first bath...and she held me a whole lot.

Grandmom held me a whooooole lot....even when I fussy.

Pa came to visit too. He was teaching daddy how to prepare for juggling work and baby responsibilities. I don't know, that part of the week seemed boring to me....but Pa was fun otherwise.

I was sorry to see Grandmom go, but I'm sure glad she came to play! We went for walks and talks, and hold/carries, and I got a lot of kisses.

But after Grandmom left, Kate stopped by. She is a lot of fun too. She held me and walked around with me.....and I heard she could probably carry me for 26.2 miles or more without even breaking a sweat.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I'm 2 weeks old, and over 8 pounds!

Woohoo!! I'm 2 weeks old!! And holy cow, I went to the doctor today and he said I was 8lbs and 6oz...more than a pound more than when I was born. Mommy is feeding me good!

Hmmmm, so let's see....what did I do this week?
Well, I saw Grandad!
...and not only Grandad, but Julie and Morgan too!
I was sorry to see SuSu and Grandaddy go home after a week helping keep an eye on me. But I'll see them again soon.
I got to see Grini! He and Auntie Jenn brought mommy and daddy some homemade chicken noodle soup...and then he sat and rocked me for a really long time. That was really nice!
Auntie Laura came by to see how I was doing...but I think I was a little groggy.
Kevin and Melissa sent me a cookie bouquet! It sure smelled good, and mommy and daddy seem to like munching on them. I'll stick with milk for now...but we all had fun...nothing like milk and cookies!
I went to sleep and woke up in this thing once...what's this all about?
...oh...this is where we were going. Yeah, my first stroller ride with daddy and mommy!
And then after my stroller ride Grandmom came to see me! I get to play with her all week! Yeeeeaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!

Oh man, and then yesterday mommy and daddy said it was time for my first sponge bath!
So how does this work again? Uh, I'm not so sure about this?
Uh, yeah....water? Really?
Waaaahhhhhhh!!!!! That water is weird!
Oh, that wasnt so bad. I'm all warm and dry again. I actually feel pretty good!
What?! We'll be doing this again? Ay de mi!

Well, that was my second week. Can't wait to see what's next...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

It's my week 1 birthday

It's my birthday! I'm 1 week old....maybe we'll try to do these pictures each week. I mean, really...I'm cute enough to keep posing.

Now if Mommy and Daddy could just keep up with me...who needs sleep other than me. C'mon you two.