Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

So I got to stay up really late and watch these things that made bright lights in the sky....mommy kept telling me that they were fireworks....they were pretty loud but I liked them. I got to party on my auntie laura's and uncle bert's new roof top deck. I had my boys with me max, tyler and zach (he is taking the picture...hehehe).

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Livy turns 2!

My cousin Livy turns 2. That is so old and she can do so many things. She keeps using these things with all these letters in them. She can talk and talk. That big box she is opening is from me.......I picked it out its a sink.....I hope she opens it quick i want to play with it.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Jon and Anna Graduated!!

We loaded the car up and went to Cape May New Jersey for a very special day! My cousin's Jon and Anna Graduated from their homeshcool program. I got to see so much family and had such a good time. Too bad mommy and daddy didn't take more pictures for me. I was too busy playing to worry about such things.

aunt Julie has this huge garden and it has ducks and chickens too. I got to play bubbles with abby and Jane Jane. They are so good at making BIG bubbles!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


So I went camping for the second time in my whole life. I got to go with my cousin Livy. We stayed in a house this time. We also had our own beach and we both got really brave and walked into the water. It was such a good time.

Check out that you think it will get us. I have the cup to protect us!

I got to hang out with mommy, susu, granddaddy, aunt liz, Uncle dick and Nan and Lola. Uncle WILL was there too...he took the picture.

Susu was nice enough to let me sit on her in the water. But that was special since we were worried about something called tan lines. Granddaddy saved us from floating out in the BIG lake.

We spent a lot of time on the beach! Somebody had all these sand toys for us. What fun.....I want to go again next year!

Monday, June 6, 2011

First Haircut....well kind of

So everyone was saying that I would see much better if I went and got a haircut. Mommy said she just couldn't take me and do it because I wouldn't look like a baby any more. So she got brave and put me in my highchair with a snack and did a trim. I didn't care because I got to watch one of my shows.....sid.

Me after my first haircut!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Week

so this year I got to go to the outer banks with mommy and daddy. They kept telling me stories about how my auntie laura and uncle bert have been planning this for like 12 years...which i cannot imagine how long that is and how old that makes mommy and daddy. Any way I was very excited to go because I was going to get to play with my friends.

Zach and Tyler brought this really cool sprinkler thing that we ran through well Tyler was brave to do that I watched and got wet!

I was a master at cornhole!

It took me awhile to warm up to the sand. But there was a ball that I just had to get!

I am contemplating what I think about this beach thing.....

Sunday, April 24, 2011


So I got up with mommy and daddy thinking it was just like any other sunday morning. Well I was so excited that there was this thing that mom called my easter basket and there were trucks and goldfish in it! I was so excited I went right to playing.

Whoever this easter bunny person is he is really cool and how did he know I LOVE trucks and wheels. Mommy said it was magic!

I went to my friend Ava's house and her parents did something called an easter egg hunt. I found 3 with a little help from my daddy.

Grandma Beth got me an easter outfit don't I look cute!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Visit from my Aunt Karin and Cousin Savannah

I was so excited that I got to play with my Aunt Karin and Cousin Savannah!!! Daddy even took off a day of work and we had a big adventure to the Natural History Museam! We got to ride the Metro which is like a train and tha is really cool!

What Crazy faces Daddy and Savannah are making. They still cannot open there mouths as large as the shark one here!!

My Cousin Savannah is the coolest!! She showed me all sorts of things and then I told my ducky all about it since he is so little.

My favorite was just hanging out with them. We read books over and over and over and over....did I mention that I like books. I keep asking mommy when they are coming back to see me....I mean us! There are so many other cool things to show them plus I heart them.

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Austin's came to visit!

Hey there Uncle Will, can you read me my truck book and tell me more about what makes them go. I'll play with Livy later, but I really need to read my truck book. I've been waiting for you guys to get here so I could read my book.....20 or so times. So glad you're all here!

Livy and I had a blast at the DC Zoo while she, Auntie Liz and Uncle Will were in town. I sure do like animals, almost as much as I love trucks! Yeah Zoo!

Mommy and Daddy and I came to the zoo last year as a family, or so they say. I don't know, I was supposedly pretty darn little and don't remember it. But I had a lot of fun on this trip! I love you mommy and daddy!

Haha, we found Otters I was allowed to play with! Too bad they don't ever move around.

Livy and I rode in style when weren't walking it at the zoo. I'm so glad we had so many willing pushers!

Hey, who's trying to take my ducky? I know we came to see the giraffes and elephants and all that, but I still love my ducky! I don't think so Uncle Bert!!!

Get me closer Uncle Will! The birds keep moving on me, ge me closer...closer!

Well Livy and I didn't just enjoy ourselves at the zoo while she was in town. We got lots of time on the playground. Hey, who's there? Did I hear someone through the playground window??

Let's swing! Livy, who do you think can get the highest? I bet you I would if my mommy was pushing!

Hey, what are you grown-ups doin? That's not cool! We're a bit when is the water warm enough already?! Ok, that's it. We're done with pictures until I get some more respect. I know we're cute, but geez you guys.

Ok, now let's look at something that is supposed to be on display. Mommy and me loved the elephant and the Natural History Museum. I think Livy thought it was cool too.

Hey, can I pet the giraffe or not? All this's a little different than the Zoo, but I feel like I get to get even closer to the animals here. Too bad I can't pet the giraffe for real.

Uncle Will, you're not a bear! Ok, you sure are funny when you sound like one though. Hehe!

Daddy, so how many types of fish are there? Can we put them all in our own aquarium at home??

Mommy said this was the coolest way to make a coral reef outside of the ocean...cuz it was all made out of yarn. Livy, we'll have to get our mom's together and make a big coral reef like this one unless my daddy makes the real thing like he says he can. See you next time, Austins!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

I'm 1 year old! Yeah for my birthday party!!

Well the big day is here, I'm a whole 1 year old! Woohoo...mommy and daddy we can celebrate!

Well I had a bunch of people come to see my on my birthday. Mommy's family came and Daddy's family came...we had friends from all over. Aunt Liz even got me birthday cupcakes!

Mommy went all out buying me decorations to celebrate! There were sooooo cool! ...right Grandma Susu? They were up all over Gran's house and it was awesome!

Thanks for having my birthday party at your house, Gran! It was a really special day and it meant a lot to me that you would host all my family and friends to celebrate. Yeah you!

And not only did Gran have my birthday at her house with both my grandmoms and grandads there, she gave this very special chair that goes waaaaaay back. I'm a year old, and daddy said the chair is like a 100 times as old as me. I don't really know how old that is, but it must be a lot.

I got some new things too! One of my favorite books is my truck book that Aunt Nancy gave me. Soooo cooooool....I love trucks!

And grandmom gave me a brand new slide. It rocks!!! Daddy showed me how I could slide down it and I can't wait to get it back home so I can play on it.

I had a blast on my birthday! Everyone was so nice and gave me so many presents!!

Thanks mommy and daddy for throwing me my party...and thanks to everyone for coming! I hope you got some birthday cupcakes cuz there were really really good!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Gettin ready for my birthday

Well I'm not sure what all the fuss is about yet, but mommy and daddy seem real excited. They keep going on and on about how my first birthday is so special and how they survived a whole year...not sure what that means. But, they also tell me they love me a whole whole lot and that part's really cool. So some things came in the mail the other day and daddy said I was going to open a couple of packages as practice before my real birthday. He's so funny, but pulling apart paper sure is fun! Mommy and I got to Grandma's in time to celebrate my birthday on my birthday and hang out before the big party. Grandma said I may make a great piano player on day but I should stick to using my hands for things like opening birthday presents until I got a little bigger. Thanks for sharing my actual birthday with me Grandma!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day Mommy!

Happy Valentine's Day mommy! I know Daddy said this was one of few days of the year when you were his first and mine second, but I'm too cute for silly rules like that. You'll be my valentine won't you? I love you and I'm super cute!