Sunday, October 10, 2010

Our fabulous family dinner, capping a great weekend

Ok, time for dinner with mommy's family...well, our family...but it can get confusing with so much family in one area. So this dinner was a big shabang...we had great time and a great visit. Here we are before dinner and Great Gran's house. It's such a pretty screen porch at her house, nice just to sit with folks and check out the view...or if you're like me, try to walk around and find some interesting things to chew on.

So I didn't do much chewing before dinner, but I find something at dinner. Have you ever had Mexican Menues? They're fantastic! Taste a little like salsa and salt, but fantastic...highly recommended.

Hey Livy, there are too many camera' you know which one they want us to look at?

Wait, I didn't see duck on the menu...not that I was paying that much attention when I was chewing on it....but could I have gotten duck too?

Grandaddy, they found me. I came to the other end of the table, but they still found me. Smile and make a diversion while I try to make a break for it and find more duck.

Ok, seriously. Dinner was great. my whole trip to Hampton Roads this time was great. I'm so glad we were all able to get together and see Great Grandaddy and Joe while they were in town. Lookie lookie here, four generations together!

And the slightly larger goup...jump in here Great Gran and Joe.

It was great seeing you Great Grandaddy!

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