Saturday, October 30, 2010

Cousin Livy came for Halloween

I was so excited that my cousin Livy, Aunt Liz and Uncle Will came into town. I didn't get to see Livy when she got here because mommy and daddy made me go to bed so I was ready to see her saturday morning. I was a good boy and shared my toys with her. She likes chewing on things too......

I also took cousin Livy to my playground and we got to ride the alligator together. Good thing dad and Uncle Will were there to keep the gator from eating us!

We played in these brown crunchy things called leaves. We were more interested in things that we were allowed to eat.

I cannot believe they put this picture of us getting ready for a bath on the embrassing. Mommy and Aunt Liz said we were dirty from all that playing.

After we were all clean we put our Halloween costumes on. I couldn't make the neighing noise a horse makes but my cousin sure does a good quack quack. Maybe next year I will be able to do sound effects with my costume.

They put us back in the crunchy things for pictures and I had had enough......and I let them know it.

It was really cool.....after I got up from my morning nap on Halloween Uncle Will and Daddy had been really busy cutting up orange things to make them look cooooool. Mommy kept saying pumpkin whatever that means.

I love my Aunt Liz. I am giving my most serious look to see if I look more grown up. Mommy is always telling me that I don't look like a baby anymore but a little man. Uncle Will told me that I have a middle management hair cut.....what's a hair cut?

We went to the Air and Space Museum. It was fun and saw tons of planes that Uncle Will knew a whole lot about!

Mommy don't lose me........

Here are the orange things that dad and uncle will worked on all lite up. Thanks Aunt Liz for bringing the supplies.

Monday, October 25, 2010

8 Months!!

It took almost 8 months but I have not one but TWO teeth! Mommy says that I am a drooling machine!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Our fabulous family dinner, capping a great weekend

Ok, time for dinner with mommy's family...well, our family...but it can get confusing with so much family in one area. So this dinner was a big shabang...we had great time and a great visit. Here we are before dinner and Great Gran's house. It's such a pretty screen porch at her house, nice just to sit with folks and check out the view...or if you're like me, try to walk around and find some interesting things to chew on.

So I didn't do much chewing before dinner, but I find something at dinner. Have you ever had Mexican Menues? They're fantastic! Taste a little like salsa and salt, but fantastic...highly recommended.

Hey Livy, there are too many camera' you know which one they want us to look at?

Wait, I didn't see duck on the menu...not that I was paying that much attention when I was chewing on it....but could I have gotten duck too?

Grandaddy, they found me. I came to the other end of the table, but they still found me. Smile and make a diversion while I try to make a break for it and find more duck.

Ok, seriously. Dinner was great. my whole trip to Hampton Roads this time was great. I'm so glad we were all able to get together and see Great Grandaddy and Joe while they were in town. Lookie lookie here, four generations together!

And the slightly larger goup...jump in here Great Gran and Joe.

It was great seeing you Great Grandaddy!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Yorktown Beach with Great Grandaddy and Joe

Daddy came to Yorktown beach a lot when he was real little, and I've come here a couple times myself. But this time...I came with Great Grandaddy and Joe...and Grandma Susu and Grandaddy....and mommy and daddy. We had a great day! It was somehow still warm, and it was sunny...and the sand was squishy. I had fun in the sand...and fun in Great Grandaddy's lap hangin out.
And Great Joe knows how to make a kid smile too. He's awesome fun!

Mommy put me down in the sand to play, did I mention it was squishy? haha, fuuuuuuuuun
Grandma Susu even took me on a walk-about...let's roll Susu..."Take me to the River"...da da da, dant da
We had a lot of fun, but Great Grandaddy and I did have a serious chat. That's for sharing so much with me! I really appreciate knowing the things I do about my roots, and it was fun spending time with you and Joe too!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Grandmom and Pa's, a halloween preview

Grandmom and Pa's was such fun, I'm glad we got to hang out while we were in town. I wish Daddy could have come along for this part, but he is getting into town tonight. Grandmom and Pa and mommy and me got to hang out a lot though. I had a lot of fun with them, and I got to try on my Halloween costume's so awesome!!! Grandmom got it for me....I'm gonna be a horsey! Thanks Grandmom!!!!

Smile with me Pa! Mommy take the picture quick...I'm having a hard time getting my hands in to tickle Pa so that he keeps smiling. He knows what to do on the other side of the camera, but I need to teach him some of my modeling skills. C'mon Pa, think cute! Haha, quick mommy...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Heading off to Smithfield

Ok, here we to see Great Gran and my Smithfield clan. I had a awesome time hanging out with everyone. Gran and I had a chance to play and goof around...she was fun.
And I also got to go to Aunt Liz and Uncle Will's house. I saw Great Aunt Nannie and Great Uncle Dick....and of course me and my cuz Livvy hung out. She is so awesome, she showed me how to play with all her toys and and had a blast together.

Livvy didn't let me down, she shared and played with me a lot. She is so cool!