Sunday, December 26, 2010

Yeaaaahhhh!!! My First Christmas!

I had a great time on my first Christmas...and it just seemed to keep going. How Awesome!! Does it happen like this every year?!

Before we left home daddy helped me open my first present right beside our Christmas tree and the Christmas train that Grandaddy gave us before I was born. I love that train...and my Christmas present was great too!

Then, mommy and daddy took me to see the family for Christmas. The night before the big day...Christmas Eve (right daddy?)...we went to see Gran and Gan and Great Uncle Dick...and Uncle Chris...and Aunt Liz and Uncle Will...aaaaand LIVY!!! Here we are at Gran's house.

I picked out a present for Livy and Uncle will almost passed out blowing it up. Mommy says he's a human air compressor...and a lot of other good things a daddy needs to be. I think Uncle Chris is glad he doesn't have to be a human air compressor yet.

Here is Livy's toy all blown up...sooooo cooooooolllll.

The next morning was Christmas day and I woke up to everyone carrying around socks full of good stuff. Mommy and Daddy told me their called stockings...and we opened up everything in the stockings on Grandma SuSu and Grandaddy's bed. Mmmmmmm and mmmmmmmmm's?

Ooooooooooooo Dolphin....and he lights up!!!

Wow...I thought I was a goner since I cried on Santa's lap the only time I met him, but I guess I wasn't all bad in my first year. Look!!! I got a whole music set from Santa!! Rock me Amadeus!

And it didn't stop there, I got a whole set of balls....a soccer ball, a football, and basketball!!

And daddy got a race car from mommy....but he said it would really be mine and we'd play with it together. My mommy is so cool!!

And after we opened up some presents and I napped....we went over to Grandmom's and I got to see her and Pa...and met Aunt Sara and Uncle James...and saw Aunt April and Uncle Dave...and A-V-I!!!!! We opened up presents and Aunt Sara gave both Avi and me really cool handmade Winnie-Pooh's. How awesome!!! I got so many great toys....I love Christmas!

Here is Aunt April and Avi....Avi got lots of cool presents too! I can't wait until we get to play together again....I may have to swap toys with her and work out a day-trade deal.

Pa made daddy and mommy drool over some kind of bread...something about Bee Bread or Beer Bread...oh, they called it Brie Bread. Hope I can have some next year! Here are Pa and Aunt Sara and Uncle James.

Well mommy said I was uber cute for my first Christmas, but it's not fair to be compared with all the cute girls. They are just naturally cute and then get to wear little cute dresses. That's ok tho, cuz I'm a boy and I'm a baller!! Just like Uncle Dave!

We had a great Christmas! I had a lot of fun...and I think I wore out mommy and daddy. That's ok, I think I got the best of them before I really had to share. What a great Christmas...numero uno!!!

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