Thursday, November 25, 2010

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble

I thought is was really cool that everyone was getting together to celebrate my 9 month birthday!! I heard a rumor that everyone is going to celebrate my 10 month birthday as well and actually give presents in honor of me. Well little did mommy and daddy know that starting today 11/28/2010 our lives would change so much in a week.......

Side bar.....I went to my new doctor for my check up and he said I was in great health.....I weigh 19 pounds (well 18 pounds 15.6 ounces...mommy said I could claim 19 pounds) and 29 inches long.

Mommy came in on Thanksgiving morning and look what she found me doing.....yep all by myself. The next day when daddy came in to get me from my morning nap I had even a bigger surprise for him.......I was standing all by myself.........I am very proud!

Don't we make a cute little family unit. Mommy get closer!!!

I had my first turkey with Daddy, Mommy (she is taking the picture), Great Gran, SuSu and Granddaddy.

Okay are you keeping up with all these firsts.......first getting myself to the sitting position.....first pulling myself up in my own crib........first thanksgiving.......first turkey......below might be my first girlfriend. Ava was born on turkey day her parents are my auntie beth and uncie ed. Mommy thought we should go over and introduce ourselves.......I think she is a cutie!!
Mommy you don't look too good in this picture but don't worry no one will notice they are looking at us babies.

Okay so we are up to the following thursday one week from turkey day. Mommy and I went to visit my cousin livy because daddy was away on business....whatever that means I don't like away on business.

I like going to cousin livy's she has really cool toys. There was one I couldn't get to so I decided to get it myself.....yep I crawled for the first time for real. Ok so the video of me showing off isn't from that day but wanted to show my new skill. So in one week rocked mommy and daddy's world from stationary to full there is this matter of something called walking that I am working on........

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