Sunday, April 25, 2010

2 whole months!

Wow! It's really been a while since I did this whole blog thing. I hope my loyal following hasn't been too disappointed. I've missed sharing, but I've been busy getting bigger...and doing a few other things. So if you follow where I'm looking, you'll see some more of my first 2 months too.

So let's see...what's been going on? Well I've learned to love my swing...and Mommy and Daddy seem very excited about this.

...and I started getting regular baths. I'm not sure I always like these...but being naked is kind of cool. Daddy said I should be careful about this the bathroom this is ok, but internet is bad. Ok Daddy.

I started having more fun in tummy time. Mommy plays with me on the floor everyday when Daddy goes to work...and Daddy plays with me on the weekend mornings.

...but most of the evenings I'm getting walked...and during most days I'm getting walked. I love it when people walk with me. Daddy does this during the evenings when he gets home, and mommy takes me out several times every day!

...oh, and I'm still sleeping a lot. Growing take a lot of energy phewww...I'm sleepy right now. Mommy and Daddy say I should try to sleep more during the night..and I'm working on that.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Boyds, MD....oh boy oh boy!

I'm so lucky to have all these people who care about me and want to see me. It was great getting to go out to Maryland (my first out-of-state experience) and getting to see auntie Laura's parents. Special grandma Mary and grandpa Bob had us all over to lunch. Mommy and Daddy said they had some great burgers and stuff....but I got stuffed the way I always do. But I sure had fun hangin out!

Special gradmom Mary and I had a ball!!! She said she reads all the stuff I say on a regular basis, except when her computer at the school is blocking me...what's up with that?!

And then special grandad Bob and chilled for long time. He's fuzzy, like my daddy on the weekends...only his fuzzy isn't so prickly....cooooooollllll!!!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Week 6 is a mix

Wow, boy am I tired. I got back from my first vacation...and man, I need a vacation. Have to get back on the blog soon...but here is a mix of stuff from my tour de Hampton Roads. (Look for this post to get my baby-crazy quotes added to each picture...and maybe some pics will get moved around so that I can keep things better organized. Sorry, but I'm still figuring out how best to keep up with all my memories.)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Week 5 jive

Haha! 5 weeks old and I'm about to go on vacation. I'll have to get back on the blog after I get back....I've got people to see and spit up April Fools! (More to come)