Saturday, June 25, 2011

Jon and Anna Graduated!!

We loaded the car up and went to Cape May New Jersey for a very special day! My cousin's Jon and Anna Graduated from their homeshcool program. I got to see so much family and had such a good time. Too bad mommy and daddy didn't take more pictures for me. I was too busy playing to worry about such things.

aunt Julie has this huge garden and it has ducks and chickens too. I got to play bubbles with abby and Jane Jane. They are so good at making BIG bubbles!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


So I went camping for the second time in my whole life. I got to go with my cousin Livy. We stayed in a house this time. We also had our own beach and we both got really brave and walked into the water. It was such a good time.

Check out that you think it will get us. I have the cup to protect us!

I got to hang out with mommy, susu, granddaddy, aunt liz, Uncle dick and Nan and Lola. Uncle WILL was there too...he took the picture.

Susu was nice enough to let me sit on her in the water. But that was special since we were worried about something called tan lines. Granddaddy saved us from floating out in the BIG lake.

We spent a lot of time on the beach! Somebody had all these sand toys for us. What fun.....I want to go again next year!

Monday, June 6, 2011

First Haircut....well kind of

So everyone was saying that I would see much better if I went and got a haircut. Mommy said she just couldn't take me and do it because I wouldn't look like a baby any more. So she got brave and put me in my highchair with a snack and did a trim. I didn't care because I got to watch one of my shows.....sid.

Me after my first haircut!