Sunday, December 20, 2009

30 weeks...and before

Wow! Been so long since I posted...I hope everyone doesn't mind my absence. But, mommy and daddy got a new laptop so they can post more pictures of me without crashes...whatever that means. When I crash, I just roll over and give mommy a kick or a poke before I take one of my many naps. I hope it's as warm out there as it is in here....but I've heard talk of cold weather.

Mommy and I went for a walk in the snow with daddy the other day...someone will have to explain to me what a blizzard is, but it sounds like I was in one with them....even Meela went out in the snow from the sound of it.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Hey Mommy! Are you starting to show?

Wow Mommy! You sure didn't look pregnant before, but I think I can tell where babies...ahem, I...come from. I hope you don't mind the extra space in your jeans, but you still look great. Glad you're not getting sick anymore...I know daddy was planning to put me in time out for all of that. You look great though!

Baby Boy Greene is seen!

Hello there! Look at me I'm a smiler and so happy to that you all know I'm here.

My parents, Katherine and Matt, seem so excited to have seen me up close and personal. I know I wasn't as cooperative on the first ultrasound...but hey, I'm just a kid. This second time I was pretty good about letting them get all the shots they wanted.

And I just have to say, don't have to jump up and down in the ulrasound appointment if you want me to move...rolling over is really enough if I'm actually awake. I'll try to be better abou these things...but no promises...again, I'm just a kid.

Can wait to meet everyone face to face! Give me a few months though.